Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little Glimpse into what Support Looks Like

As I sat in our 4th Annual Sista-2-Sista Youth Summit Planning Committee meeting, I couldn’t help but to smile and give thanks for all that has transpired since we launched the first youth summit a few years ago.  The Planning Committee is growing, the Summit is growing, my Spirit is growing, and I give thanks. 

As I looked across the room, I saw a group of BEAUTIFUL women that were merely my reflection. They are women committed to empowering young girls, women committed to showing girls that there are options, there are possibilities. Women who believe in a sista with a dream.  Women who could have used their talents in many other ways, but women who have chosen to share their talents with me and for my dream.  Women who have been impeccable with their word.  Women that every community longs for and needs. They are self-less and giving.  Open and loving.  Committed to my vision. They are my sistas and I can’t wait to introduce each and everyone of them to you!

I give thanks!


  1. Thank you Akua! I am grateful to have you in my life! And so are those amazing young women. I am looking forward to seeing more.

  2. Thank you Akua, for the acknowledgement. Please know that you are both a reflection and inspiration. I look forward to taking the world by storm with you and the other women as partners.


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