Sunday, November 21, 2010

Conversation not Confrontation

My story is that when it comes to fight versus flight, I would much rather flight! I would prefer NOT to have the challenging conversation because of fear. However, I realize that when I run, I continue to be confronted with the same "issue" over and over again.  It is clear that I will continue to be confronted with these issues until I stop running from them. I need to have these conversations more regularly so that I can be more comfortable with having them. 

Today's Daily Lesson: It is merely a conversation. It is not confrontation. Conversation NOT confrontation.  

1 comment:

  1. When we look at any situation from the affirmative more often than not it shrinks into proper proportion and we are better able to handle it. Confrontation does not have to have a negative conotation. Being able to confront matters from a place of love, peace and understanding can help get much needed conversations started and help resolve issues that foster better relations. I appreciate you saying, "It's merely a conversation", if we can remeber that then there will be no room for confrontation only open dialouge.


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